Asian Contents & Film Market

5 - 8 October 2024

Asian Contents & Film Market 2024

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ACFM 2022 to Launch World’s First Story Market

  • 2022. 07. 20  14:42

ACFM 2022 to Launch World’s First Story Market 


ACFM 2022 launches ‘Busan Story Market’ to strengthen the IP sales market.

ACFM’s newly introduced Busan Story Market is a marketplace for film and audiovisual adaptations of original IPs from diverse platforms ranging from literary books to webtoons, web novels, video games, and more.

This new platform has adopted and integrated the function of the E-IP Market (Entertainment Intellectual Property Market), which was established in 2012 and has selected 192 IP submissions over the past 10 years.

While the original E-IP Market only provided business pitching opportunities for the selected IPs, the Busan Story Market is an expanded transaction platform where domestic and foreign content-related organizations and Content Providers (CP) can conduct direct trades on various intellectual properties for adaptation businesses through sales booths.

Furthermore, Busan Story Market will cooperate with its official partners, Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) and Japan’s Visual Industry Promotion Organization (VIPO), as well as receive book IPs from its ASEAN counterparts in Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia to further expand its IP resource. In addition, with domestic and foreign content-related organizations, a large number of publishers and web content producers are expected to participate in the market that will boast an enriched IP lineup.

To participate in the Busan Story Market, contact Story Market Team


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