5 - 8 October 2024

Asian Contents & Film Market 2024

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BSM Forum Ⅱ: Strategies to Globalize K-Stories
  • Sun, 9 October, 17:00 – 18:00  |  Day 2
  • Event Room B

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  • #Creator
  • #IP Business
  • #Production

Asian Contents & Film Market introduces domestic and foreign source IPs that can be made into films and videos and has been eagerly planning to transform and develop into a complete story market since the beginning of this year.

In order to establish the overall direction of Busan Story Market, this forum will examine the definition of K-Story and where it’s headed and discuss practical strategies to make way to the global market with domestic and foreign directors, production companies, OTT companies, etc.

- David Flynn / WIIP
- Max Michael / UTA
- Ted Hope / Film Producer of DOUBLE HOPE FILMS
- 양유민 / 와우포인트 대표

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